Hi! please help!!
My Tagtool PRO in iPad Pro shut down and got black. I know it had very limited space then. And I did some advanced animations and saved alot the days before both pins and animations and took screenhsots alot it kept running (other times when I push the limits it crasched…but not This time so I redused layers) but it couldn´t save anything and I stoped the program to start over and give it more space (I now the resolution needs to be low, but sometimes I like to erase alot…) and now it got space but still it is black. So I did my gigs on another iPad. It whent very well! Amazed! But some stress. (I had not Made the backup on my iPad for a while and I think it whants to update stuff. I dont like to update things before gigs…)
Questions: Can I transport the decks from one iPad to another just in filés without having to be connected to cloud in wi-fi in the Tagtool-app? I dont always have internet were I work so I prefere to save my deck on iPad (prefere to know what I have and not to crash in the bush), but still I find my filés in the cloud (im not. Sure if they are old ones from before I knew that I could choose) and now when its black can I same them the decks if I have to uninstall and reinsatall the Tagtool app?!! I WHANT IT BACK! MY LIGHT!!
…so I took the other iPad and tried to Fill it to work really hard, it complaned that it was full and I just remembered that it was like 32gb and my PRO is 256gb so when I continued in tagtoolapp I started to reduce layers and it continued to work…i tok screenshots… then I tried to save stuff…it couldnt do that… but still it was runnings so beautiful! (I didnt know it was about to stop open again!!) i tok more screenshots in fullscreen and then I stoped the app to let it rest and empty the space in other programs. It finished without problems (ni more than that I couldnˋt save things). Now when I tried to open Tagtool app it Will not, it is as Black as my ipadpro tagtoolpro app!!! I get to see the Tagtool handeye but then just BLACK.
I did This thing in installations, relieve the app (avlasta in swedish!?) insted of erase the app, and then I tried to update the small iPad to see if it could make it work again?! And when I put Tagtool back, but it Made no difference, so its still black.
- So do I have to erase the app totaly??! Will it help?
- Should I do more backups of the iPad before or just do more decks with fewer animations, is it limited in how many, or how much space is needed?
- or to update? is uppdatering good or should I not do the updates now?.. and the saved filés, can I keep them before, or what do I do?!
I love Tagtool! You have Made it so great!!
Im so sorry its broke!! - Identitycrizes here!!

…how Will it work again without This happening, now it happened to two iPads i am afraid the third iPad Will get black too, and i cant update the third cause I keep the old Tagtool app there that I love so much! (smooth and good to erasure in layering ) and the small iPads cant I use my animations the same way in them ?
(I tried to have my iPad connected to the computer before, (to Record the livedrawing) but that wouldn´t change it i guess. )
Yours Sandra