Tagtool + MIDI or OSC?

Hello Tagtoolistas!
I’m a composer working on a project with an artist/designer who is using Tagtool. I was wondering if Tagtool has the ability to listen to MIDI or OSC messages from another app? I see that people are building DIY controllers and sending data from analog controllers via Arduino => NodeKit => Tagtool. Does anyone out there know if I can use a similar setup running something like Ableton Live or TouchDesigner on a PC and send data over a network to Tagtool? It seems this would be possible.

I’m doing the opposite, sending Tagtool to Magic Music Visuals through Airserver and Syphon and then using TouchOsc and LeapMotion to contriol the midi in MMM (alt could be Madmapper etc). So as I’m drawing with one hand, the image is being manipulated with the other hand over the LeapMotion controller.
Would be interesting to see midi messages sent to Tagtool though!

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That’s an interesting setup . . . Right - I think would be a great enhancement of Tagtool if it could listen to another app via OSC or MIDI running in parallel. Looks like this was present in NodeKit.


We definitely want to add Midi and/or OSC input and output to a future version of Tagtool. Currently it’s not possible unfortunately!

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+1 for midi control even just for 1) stroke width and 2) colour. It would be insane to use knobs and sliders on my midi controller to adjust width and colour!

Though if it’s easier to implement on a pc/Mac OS version of Tagtool then that would be ideal. +1111 for that, even just for those two controls (and maybe a button for switch to animate, and record :wink: