Where can i download the tagtool player?

i understand that a tagtool player is required for multi-user sessions. I can’t find this app and also no manual for how to set up such a session. any help is much appreciated.


Hey Nils! Welcome. The Discord server ( https://discord.gg/5xjRj8rN ) for this community is always super up-to-date with beta version of the players. Depending on what you’re using for a multi-user sessions, the process can be confusing. I’d suggest following the server and telling folks what you are wanting to do.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I tried to join the server your link refers too but discord didn’t allow me to do that using an i pad.(tapping in year of birth didn’t work) i tried it again on my computer but now the link is expired. so i think i have to make another account on this server or finish the existing one. So i need a new invitation because this one is expired. Can you send me one? thanks and sorry for the hassle.